New Year 2023 Resolution. What should be your resolution this year !

 Happy New Year

First of all Happy New Year to all readers. I hope you get more Happiness and joy this year. I wish you and your loved ones A very very very Happy new Year.

You must be thinking this year I'll do something different and make my life more beautiful and happier.

Then you think what should I do this year .. maybe Yoga .. hmm maybe I should start something new so I can make everyone happy ...hmm maybe I should start a new business, new job .... then you get confused and then you think... umm I'll think in the morning or you'll tell yourself that you are fine with what you have ... Yeah that's good that you are happy with what you have .. but I think you can do better. So I'm going to share few Ideas what you CAN DO THIS NEW YEAR.

  1. TRY TO HELP WHO ACTUALLY NEEDS: Believe me whatever you are doing in your life and you think something is missing and you are not getting any new ideas! Just do one thing Find a Person Just a single person who actually need some help and try to help him. Ohmmmmm my I just got too exited writing about this believe me you will feel the same just find a person who is in some kind of need and help him. Your Brain Will Get A Sonic Boom Boost. Just try it once if it didn't work let me know in the comments (comment section is open)
  2. GIVE 12 GIFTS TO YOUR LOVED ONES: You must be thinking this is very stupid and expensive. Well it doesn't have to be expensive and you don't have to do it at once. Make a resolution that you will give one gift every month to your loved ones. It could be anybody like your family, wife, lover, brother, sister, friend your Pet your neighbor or anybody you love. Believe me or not but this is going effect very positively to your life you will find that: that one person is more attractive and attentive and more in love with you. You will feel a full fillnes in your life ❤
Go ahead and try my ideas make someone happy you will be more happy.
